Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Made to Stick

My previous blog post and especially the presentation in it has been an unexpected success.

The presentation was featured on SlideShare front page by the editorial team, has been viewed for over 1200 times in three and half days (that's 15 times an hour, 24 hours a day), and is among the most viewed shows this week. If you read this later, see how it has managed within a month from publishing or even if it made it to all time favourites – which would be another unexpected success.

SlideShare was something I learned from Garr Reynolds' blog some weeks ago and I just wanted to give it a try. His Presentation Zen blog and book have had a great impact on my presentation and visuals since I saw him live in February. Another book, Made to Stick , by Heat brothers has thought me how to clarify the message.

A big thank you belongs to John Spence, who published the text last week. I just added the visuals. He instantly liked my visuals and later blogged the whole presentation. We are both in search of simplicity, his motto is “Making the Very Complex...Awesomely Simple!”

Somehow I managed to put all the pieces together last Saturday - on my first try.

The presentation is Made to Stick

It seems to have all the ingredients of SUCCESsful presentation – it’s Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and is told with Stories.

Actually, the presentation in live would be even more simple – you only need the pictures, the rest is spoken. The actual outline is shown here, SlideShare stand alone had extra slides because it is "mute".

But there was one slide missing - the most important one. The presentation should just be an introduction for discussion and group works. And only that would lead to improvement of the elements and help Achieving Business Excellence.

The missing question at the end is:

How to improve each element at your company?